9 Simple Copywriting Tips That Work Like Magic in 2024

These 9 copywriting tips work like magic. Learn how to engage your target audience and write copy that converts. Harness the magic at your fingertips.


Shane Curry

5/23/202418 min read

colourful image, woman using laptop: 9 Simple Copywriting Tips That Work Like Magic
colourful image, woman using laptop: 9 Simple Copywriting Tips That Work Like Magic

Want to write copy that captivates, engages and, converts in 2024?

Of course. Who doesn’t want more sales?

These 9 simple copywriting tips will transform your writing from bland to irresistible.

Discover how to harness the power of storytelling, craft attention-grabbing headlines and leverage social proof to build trust with your audience.

Master the art of clear, concise and compelling copy that drives action and gets results.

You might be writing:

  • Websites

  • Sales emails

  • Social media posts

These proven strategies will help you connect with your target audience and achieve your marketing goals.

9 Copywriting Techniques to Make Your Writing Irresistible

graphic listing copywriting techniques like storytelling, headlines, social proof
graphic listing copywriting techniques like storytelling, headlines, social proof

1. Use the power of storytelling

Stories captivate readers and create an emotional connection. I’ve always loved a good story, like many of you.

But how can stories help you grow your business?

Because they help you connect with your ideal customers on an emotional level.

Legendary Salesman Zig Ziglar said:

"People buy on emotion and justify with logic."

Harvard Business School professor Gerald Zaltman says that 95% of our buying decisions are subconscious.

Emotion drives our buying behaviour. Storytelling is the perfect way to strike an emotional chord.

Sharing real-life examples and case studies makes your copy more relatable and engaging. 

Start by identifying a problem or challenge your target audience faces. Then, show how your product or service helped solve it.

Create a narrative arc that keeps readers hooked. You could use the redemption arc.

Make your customer the hero of the story in a case study.

The redemption arc story structure has 5 elements:

  1. Conflict - This can be the problem your customer faces

  2. Catalyst - Maybe losing time or sales before deciding to act

  3. Obstacles - Could be the difficulty finding the right solution

  4. Motivation - Seeing others succeeding with your product

  5. Redemption - Using your product and getting positive results

Storytelling like that resonates with people experiencing the same problem. They’ll want a positive result like your customer in the case study.

2. Master the art of headlines and subheadings

Your headline is the first thing readers see. And it can make or break their decision to engage with your content.

Craft attention-grabbing headlines that promise value and entice readers to learn more.

Use power words like:

  • Simple - Appeals to our lazy nature (we want rewards with the least effort)

  • Magic - Feels exciting and hints that the content will work wonders

  • Instant - Suggests your audience will get a quick payoff

Subheadings are crucial for breaking up your text and guiding readers through your copy.

Use them to highlight:

  • Actionable advice

  • Key points

  • Benefits

Incorporate numbers, questions, and strong action verbs to make your subheadings more compelling.

Headline formulas that work

  1. How to [achieve a desired outcome] in [specific timeframe]

  2. [Number] secrets to [accomplishing a goal]

  3. The ultimate guide to [topic or industry]

Three examples showing copywriting headline formulas in action
Three examples showing copywriting headline formulas in action

3. Leverage social proof and testimonials

Social proof is a powerful psychological principle that influences people's decisions.

Including customer testimonials, social media mentions, and reviews in your copy builds trust and credibility with your target audience.

With testimonials, choose ones highlighting specific benefits or results the client achieved using your service.

Include the customer's name, title, and company to add authenticity. If you've worked with well-known brands, showcase their logos to establish instant credibility.

Example of a Keystone Copywriting testimonial

We always get high quality content with KC. We wrote everything ourselves starting out, but knew we needed professional help for our content marketing push. They have been helping us and I’m very happy with the results.

We have seen a 234% increase in keywords ranking in the top three, organic traffic more than doubling, and a 2x increase in sign-ups.

They bring close attention to detail, creativity and awesome writing skills. I appreciate their contribution to our marketing strategy.

Portrait of Convert founder Joris De Ruiter
Portrait of Convert founder Joris De Ruiter

Joris de Ruiter



Graphic showing green quotation marks
Graphic showing green quotation marks

4. Write in a conversational tone

Writing in a conversational tone makes your copy more relatable and engaging.

Use simple, everyday language and avoid industry jargon or complex terminology.

Write as if you're having a one-on-one conversation with your reader, addressing them directly with "you" and "your."

You probably notice I’m doing that in this blog.

Short sentences and paragraphs make your copy easy to read and digest. Incorporate questions to encourage readers to think and engage with your content actively.

Imagine you’re speaking with a friend. Write your copy like that - without the profanity.

5. Focus on benefits, not just features

Your copywriting should focus on your product's benefits, not just its features.

Benefits answer the question: What's in it for me?

Show readers how your offering can solve their problems or improve their lives.

To identify benefits, start by listing your product's features.

Then, go through the list one at a time and ask yourself:

So what?

Say you run a SaaS business, and your software has a user-friendly interface (feature).

So what?

This saves users time and reduces frustration (benefits).

You can dig even deeper and ask:

So what?

  • Saves time - Spend more precious time with your family

  • Reduces frustration - Don’t throw your laptop from your sixth-floor window

In your copy, you could create a table listing the features and corresponding benefits. This makes it clear for your target audience.

Examples of benefit-driven copy

  1. Streamline your workflow and get more done in less time with our intuitive project management tool.

  2. Say goodbye to manual data entry and hello to increased accuracy with our AI-powered automation solution.

  3. Grow your business with confidence using our proven lead-generation strategies.

6. Optimise for search engines

Optimising your copy for search engines is crucial for getting noticed online. You want your business to pop up when people search for your services.

SEO copywriting helps you get there.

Use keywords strategically, but avoid keyword stuffing.

Say you’re a golf coach - I picked that because I love golf. You want to appear in the results when someone searches “golf coach” on Google.

You would place the keyword “golf coach” strategically throughout the webpage - in the page title and headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.)

Ensure you also include keywords in your meta description. And write this to reflect the content of your page accurately.

On-page SEO best practices

The below image from WordStream shows the best places to include your target keyword.

info graphic about on-page seo, showing where to place keywords on the page
info graphic about on-page seo, showing where to place keywords on the page

7. Make your copy visually appealing

The visual appeal of your copy can significantly impact reader engagement.

Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up your text and make it easier to scan.

Incorporate images, videos, or infographics to illustrate key points and add variety to your content.

Visual content ideas

  • Use high-quality images that resonate with your target audience

  • Create informative videos that showcase your product or service

  • Design engaging infographics that highlight key statistics or benefits

8. Use a strong call to action

A strong call to action (CTA) is essential to convert readers into customers.

Use action-oriented language and create a sense of urgency to encourage readers to take action.

Make your CTA prominent and easily accessible. Always make sure people can see it.

For instance, don’t make your CTA button a similar colour to the background.

Effective CTAs

  • Sign up now and start seeing results in only 30 days!

  • Get instant access to our exclusive offer – limited time only!

  • Download our free e-book to learn the secrets of successful marketing

9. Test and refine your copy

Testing and refining your copy is crucial to its success. This helps you see what works and what doesn’t.

Use A/B testing to compare different versions of your copy. Then, Identify what resonates best with your target audience.

Analyse your results, refine your copy, and repeat. This process helps you continually improve your results.

A/B testing strategies

  • Test different headlines and CTAs to see what drives the most conversions

  • Experiment with different formats, such as video or interactive content

  • Analyse your results and refine your copy based on what works best

Too busy to implement these copywriting tips?

Our free homepage copy audit can help.

We check your copy and make suggestions to maximise conversions.

How to Write Compelling Copy That Converts

Clear: Make your message crystal clear

Clarity is key when it comes to compelling copywriting. Your message should be easy to understand, even for readers who aren’t experts in your field.

Avoid using jargon or complex language that might confuse or alienate your audience.

Instead, focus on using simple, straightforward language. This gets your point across quickly and effectively.

One way to improve clarity is to use short sentences and paragraphs.

Break down complex ideas into smaller, more digestible chunks of information.

Make your copy easier to read and understand. Make it simple for busy people to scan your content for key takeaways.

Tips for improving clarity

  • Use active voice instead of passive voice

  • Avoid unnecessary words or phrases

  • Use examples to illustrate your points

Here are some basic examples:

  • Passive voice: The postman got bit on the arse by a dog.

  • Active voice: A dog bit the postman on the arse.

  • Avoid unnecessary words: I really wanted to come up with [use] an original passive/active voice example.

  • Use illustrative examples: I just did, mate - tough crowd.

Concise: Keep your copy lean and focused

In addition to being clear, your copy should also be concise. Cut out any fluff or filler words that don't add value to your message.

Get to the point quickly and deliver the most important information first.

Bullet points and lists are effective for concise copy. They help break up large blocks of text and make your content more scannable.

Readers can quickly identify the key points without wading through long paragraphs.

Compelling: Use persuasive language to drive action

To write copy that converts, you need to use convincing language. This motivates your readers to take action.

Focus on highlighting the benefits of your service, rather than just listing features. Use power words to evoke emotion and create a sense of urgency.

Some examples of persuasive verbs include:

  • Unlock

  • Discover

  • Transform

  • Revolutionise

These words can help create a sense of excitement and anticipation in your readers.

One effective strategy is to create a sense of scarcity or limited-time offers. Encourages your readers to act quickly before they miss out on a valuable opportunity.

Credible: Back up your claims with evidence

Establishing credibility builds trust with your readers. Back up any claims you make with evidence.

Use statistics, data, or research from reputable sources.

Cite experts in your field and showcase any awards, certifications, or industry recognition you’ve received.

Ways to demonstrate credibility

  • Include customer testimonials or case studies

  • Display trust badges or security seals

  • Highlight your experience

The 4 C's of copywriting - Clear, Concise, Compelling, and Credible - help you create copy that engages your readers and drives them to take action.

These principles apply across all channels like:

  • Emails

  • Websites

  • Social media posts

master the 4 Cs of copywriting: clear, concise, compelling, credible
master the 4 Cs of copywriting: clear, concise, compelling, credible

Effective Copywriting Strategies for Different Channels

adapt copywriting, compelling headlines, personalised content, SEO
adapt copywriting, compelling headlines, personalised content, SEO

Email copywriting

Email remains one of the most effective channels for reaching and engaging with your audience. You want your email copywriting to stand out.

Focus on crafting subject lines that grab attention in crowded inboxes.

Use personalisation techniques. Include the recipient's name and relevant information.

Personalised emails create a sense of connection and increase open rates.

Crafting irresistible subject lines

Your email subject line is the first thing recipients see. Always make it compelling.

Keep subject lines short, under 60 characters if possible.

Use action-oriented language that creates a sense of urgency or curiosity.

For instance, instead of "New product features" try "Discover 5 game-changing features to boost your productivity."

Personalising your emails

Personalisation goes beyond just using the recipient's name. Segment your email list based on demographics, interests, or past purchases, and tailor your content accordingly.

For instance, if you're targeting a specific industry, mention industry-specific challenges and how your product can help overcome them.

Use a clear call to action (CTA) in your emails. Guide readers to the next step:

  • Making a purchase

  • Visiting your website

  • Signing up for a webinar

Make sure your CTA stands out visually and uses active language like:

  • Get started now

  • Claim your free trial

Website copywriting

Your website is often the first point of contact between your brand and potential customers.

I think of websites as your digital salesperson.

Effective website copywriting:

  • Focuses on optimising for search engines

  • Uses clear and concise language

  • Builds trust with social proof

SEO optimisation

You want your website to rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Do keyword research to identify relevant terms and phrases your target audience is searching for. Use these keywords naturally throughout your website copy, including in headlines, subheadings and body text.

Clear and concise language

You’re writing for the web. Keep in mind that readers scan content rather than reading every word.

  • Use short paragraphs

  • Subheadings

  • Bullet points

These break up your text and make it easier to digest.

Avoid jargon and complex language. Instead, opt for clear and straightforward copy that's easy to understand.

Build trust and credibility with customer reviews and testimonials on your website.

These social proof elements help potential customers see the value in your service. That can be the deciding factor in whether they choose to do business with you.

Social media copywriting

Social media platforms offer unique opportunities to connect with your audience and showcase your brand's personality.

Effective social media copywriting involves adapting your tone and style to each platform.

Use hashtags and mentions to increase visibility. Include visuals in posts to grab attention.

Platform-specific tone and style

Each social media platform has a unique audience and communication style.

For example, LinkedIn is more professional and business-focused, while Instagram is visual and often more casual.

Tailor your copywriting to match the platform's tone and user expectations.

Hashtags and mentions

You’re on social media to increase visibility and attract your ideal audience.

Use relevant hashtags and mentions. Research popular hashtags in your industry and include them in your posts - join broader conversations and attract new followers.

Mention other brands, influencers, or thought leaders when appropriate to build relationships and encourage engagement.

Relevant visuals

Visuals are a crucial component of social media copywriting. Incorporate eye-catching images, infographics and videos.

These can grab attention and convey your message more effectively. Use visuals to break up text, illustrate key points, and showcase your services in action.

Too busy to implement these copywriting tips?

Our free homepage copy audit can help.

We check your copy and make suggestions to maximise conversions.

Copywriting Best Practices to Remember

adapt copywriting, compelling headlines, personalised content, SEO
adapt copywriting, compelling headlines, personalised content, SEO

Know your target audience inside out

You must first understand who your readers are, what they care about, and what challenges they face to create copy that resonates with them.

As copywriting expert Joanna Wiebe notes:

"The better you know your prospect, the easier it is to write copy that speaks directly to them."

Research your audience

Start by gathering data on your target audience's demographics, such as age, gender, location, and income level.

Then, you can dig deeper into their interests, hobbies, and the problems they're trying to solve.

You might break your research down into these categories:

  • Demographics (e.g., age, gender, income)

  • Geographic (e.g., city, state, country)

  • Psychographics (e.g., values, attitudes, interests)

  • Firmographics (e.g., company, industry, title)

  • Behavioural (e.g., page views, downloads, signups)

  • Transactional (e.g., purchase history)

You can use tools like social media analytics, customer surveys, and interviews to gain valuable insights.

Demographic data is the first step while transactional data is the deepest level.

Tailor your messaging to their specific needs and desires

Now you have a clear understanding of your audience. Craft your copy to address their specific needs and desires.

As copywriter David Garfinkel advises:

"Speak to the reader as if you were writing to a friend. Use 'you' and 'your' to make the message more personal."

Use the language and tone that resonates with them

Adapt your language and tone to match your audience's preferences.

For example, say you're targeting a younger, tech-savvy crowd. Using more casual language and pop culture references may be appropriate.

But a professional tone is likely more effective if your audience is old senior executives.

Focus on benefits, not just features

Describing what your service does is important. Showing how it improves your customers’ lives is even more crucial.

As legendary copywriter David Ogilvy once said:

"Don't brag about your product's features. Tell people what it will do for them."

Highlight how your product solves your audience's problems

Identify the key problems your target audience faces. Then, explain how your offering provides a solution.

Use specific examples and case studies to illustrate the impact. Show how your product gets results in the real world.

Emphasise the emotional and practical benefits of your offering

Beyond solving problems, your copy should also emphasise your service's emotional and practical benefits.

Will your offering:

  • Save people time

  • Reduce their stress

  • Improve their quality of life

Make these benefits clear and compelling.

Test and optimise your copy regularly

Even the most experienced copywriters fail sometimes. No one is perfect, always getting it right the first time.

That's why continuously testing and refining your copy based on data and user feedback is essential.

Use A/B testing to compare different versions of your copy

A/B testing involves creating two or more variations of your copy. You compare the versions to rate their performance.

A/B testing helps you identify which headlines, calls to action, and body copy resonates best with your audience.

Don’t make too many changes to compare at once. Because it’ll be nearly impossible to determine which change got the corresponding result.

Focus on one area to test at a time. Say the call to action on your website’s homepage.

Here are 13 steps to A/B testing:

  1. Define your goals

  2. Choose a metric to measure

  3. Select a hypothesis

  4. Determine sample size

  5. Randomly assign users to groups

  6. Create variations

  7. Set up the test

  8. Test for a predetermined duration

  9. Monitor the results in real-time

  10. Analyze the data

  11. Draw conclusions

  12. Implement the winning variation

  13. Repeat and test again

Analyze metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement

Track key metrics to gauge the effectiveness of your copy. These might include:

  • Click-through rates

  • Conversion rates

  • Engagement

Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor how users interact with your content and identify areas for improvement.

Continuously refine your copy based on data and user feedback

As you gather data and feedback from your audience, use these insights to improve your copy. Double down on what works - discard what doesn’t.

A chart showing examples of customer segmentation for copywriting
A chart showing examples of customer segmentation for copywriting

The Psychology Behind Effective Copywriting

uncover the secrets of the buyer's journey for copywriting
uncover the secrets of the buyer's journey for copywriting

Understanding the buyer's journey

To craft effective copy, you need to understand the buyer’s journey. Your target audience treks through the stages of this journey when deciding to buy something.

Honing your message for each stage guides customers towards the desired action.

Awareness stage

a graphic describing the top of the sales funnel
a graphic describing the top of the sales funnel

The awareness stage is often called the top of the funnel.

Your potential customers realise they have a problem or need in the awareness stage. You want to be the one who tells them about it.

Your copy should focus on identifying and addressing these pain points. Help them realise the importance of finding a solution.

Use headlines and opening paragraphs that grab attention. Show readers you understand their problem and outline how you can help.

You will resonate with your audience better.

Consideration stage

a graphic describing the middle of the sales funnel
a graphic describing the middle of the sales funnel

The consideration stage is often called the middle of the funnel.

Readers in the consideration stage actively research potential solutions and compare options. Your copy should showcase the unique benefits and features of your product.

Position your business as the ideal choice. Use clear, concise language to explain how your offering solves their specific problems better than the alternatives.

Decision stage

graphic describing the bottom of the sales funnel
graphic describing the bottom of the sales funnel

The decision stage is often called the bottom of the funnel.

Readers are ready to make a purchase or take action. Your copy should create a sense of urgency and make it easy for them to act.

Use strong CTAs that compel readers to buy or subscribe. Reinforce the value proposition and minimise any remaining doubts or hesitations.

HubSpot covers the buyer’s journey in more detail.

Leveraging emotional triggers

Emotions play a significant role in decision-making. Effective copywriting taps into these triggers to capture your reader’s attention and inspire action.

Understanding your audience's hopes, fears, and aspirations helps you create messaging that resonates on a deeper level.

Use powerful words and phrases that evoke the desired emotions:

  • Transform

  • Unleash

  • Protect 

Paint a vivid picture of the positive outcomes readers can achieve. All they need to do is use your product.

Also, show the negative consequences they can avoid when they use your product. Or demonstrate the pitfalls of not using it.

Creating a sense of belonging and community around your brand is another way to leverage emotions. Use inclusive language that makes readers feel like they're part of a special group or movement.

Highlight shared values and experiences. Foster a strong connection between your brand and your audience.

Overcoming objections and hesitations

Even readers interested in your services may still have doubts or concerns. That can prevent them from taking action.

Effective copywriting anticipates these objections and addresses them head-on. Provide reassurance and compelling reasons for readers to move forward.

Address common concerns

Identify the most common objections your target audience may have. These can include:

  • Price

  • Reliability

  • Complexity

Tackle these concerns directly in your copy. Outline clear explanations or proof points that mitigate their worries.

Use customer testimonials, case studies, or expert endorsements to build trust and credibility.

Use social proof

Social proof is a powerful psychological principle. Reviews from others help influence buying behaviour. 

Incorporate elements of social proof in your copy.

  • Highlight the number of satisfied customers

  • Share positive reviews and ratings

  • Showcase prominent clients

Create a sense of urgency

To overcome hesitation, create a sense of urgency. Compel readers to act now rather than later.

Use time-sensitive offers, limited availability, or exclusive bonuses. The sense of urgency encourages immediate action.

Highlight the potential cost of inaction - like missing out on opportunities or falling behind competitors.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is crafting persuasive text for marketing and advertising
Copywriting is crafting persuasive text for marketing and advertising

Definition and purpose of copywriting

Copywriting is writing text for advertising or marketing materials. The primary purpose of copywriting is to persuade the reader to take a specific action.

Actions include:

  • Buying a product

  • Engaging with a brand

  • Signing up for a service

Effective copywriting captures the reader's attention. The words communicate the product’s value and compel people to act.

Copywriters use various techniques to create persuasive copy. Common hacks include:

  • Storytelling

  • Social proof

  • Emotional appeal

Copywriters carefully choose words and phrases that resonate with the target audience. Their messaging aligns with the brand's voice and style.

Understand the audience's needs, desires, and pain points. That helps you craft messages that speak directly to buyers and offer solutions to their problems.

Different types of copywriting

There are several types of copywriting, each with specific goals and techniques.

Understanding them can help you choose the most effective approach for your campaigns.

Direct response copywriting

Direct response copywriting aims to elicit an immediate response from the reader. Copywriters often use it in sales letters, email campaigns, and landing pages.

The goal is to persuade the reader to take a specific action - usually buying a product - as quickly as possible.

Direct response copywriting often uses:

  • Strong calls to action

  • Limited-time offers

  • A sense of urgency

These techniques encourage the reader to act.

Brand copywriting

Brand copywriting focuses on building brand awareness and shaping brand perception. Copywriters use it in marketing materials like website content, social media posts, and print ads.

The goal is to consistently communicate the brand's values, personality, and unique selling proposition across all channels. Brand copywriting helps establish an emotional connection with the target audience and differentiate the brand from its competitors.

Technical copywriting

Technical copywriting involves explaining complex products, services, or concepts clearly and concisely. Technology, healthcare, and finance companies often use technical copywriters.

The goal is to make complex information accessible and understandable to the target audience. Technical copywriters must have a deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to simplify jargon and technical terms.

Copywriting vs. content writing

Copywriting and content writing share some similarities. But there are also distinct differences between the two.

Understanding these differences can help you create a well-rounded content strategy. You can effectively reach and engage your target audience.

Copywriting is typically shorter in length and more sales-focused compared to content writing. The primary goal is persuading the reader to take a specific action like making a purchase.

You’ll find copywriting in:

  • Ad copy

  • Sales letters

  • Landing pages

Content writing is generally longer and aims to educate, entertain, or inform your reader. Content writing offers value to your audience without the hard sell.

You can use content writing to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Examples of content writing include:

  • Whitepapers

  • Blog posts

  • Ebooks

Copywriting and content writing might serve different purposes. But both are essential for a successful marketing strategy.

Copywriting helps drive conversions and sales.

Content writing builds brand authority, attracts organic traffic, and nurtures leads throughout the buyer's journey.

Ready to Write Irresistible Copy?

Mastering the art of copywriting will transform your marketing efforts. Leverage storytelling, craft compelling headlines, and use persuasive language.

Write clear, concise, and credible copy with a laser focus on your target audience.

Capture their attention and drive them to action.

Imagine the impact you can make with your words. Picture your ideal customer reading your copy, nodding along, and feeling inspired to take that next step.

The possibilities are endless when the magic is at your fingertips.

Are you ready to write your first piece of copy using these tips?

Too busy to implement these copywriting tips?

Our free homepage copy audit can help.

We check your copy and make suggestions to maximise conversions.

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