Keystone Copywriting helps you...

Increase your online visibility and spread awareness

Attract and engage your ideal customers

Drive higher conversion rates

Green check mark enclosed in a green circle
Green check mark enclosed in a green circle
Green check mark enclosed in a green circle
Green check mark enclosed in a green circle
Green check mark enclosed in a green circle
Green check mark enclosed in a green circle
Brand banner showing Convert Loz MPM and Stikky

A few words from our founder...

I started copywriting, content creation and SEO strategy over six years ago. But I've always been a writer, even as a kid.

I wanted to be a fiction writer since I was 11 years old and studied creative writing (and journalism) at uni.

Wrote two books, published one, and didn't make enough money. Bet you're not shocked - the plight of the starving creative is real.

So I started writing website copy, creating content and executing SEO strategy over six years ago.

Turns out I'm pretty good at it.

Helping businesses increase organic traffic by over 400%.

This business was in the golf niche. Worked with them for just over a year.

Some stats from the graph opposite:

  • Starting traffic just under 39k

  • Left with traffic around 278.5k

  • Probably closer to a 600% increase

Unfortunately, their traffic plummeted off a cliff after my time there due to Google's core updates.

Helping businesses double their conversion rates.

This is a SaaS business and is in a competitive niche.

Some numbers from the graph:

  • Starting at around 350

  • Helped conversions reach 700

  • A 2x increase in monthly conversions

This result is mostly from content and SEO strategy - minimal copywriting. We're confident of raising this with targeted copy.

Helping businesses more than double impressions in Google search.

These results are down to SEO strategy and quality content creation.

Some stats from the graph:

  • Impressions at around 8,000

  • Helped raise them to over 22,000

  • About a 175% increase in impressions

Like seeing that graph rising to the right. SEO is a long-term game, so results take time.

Graph showing an increase in customer website traffic
Graph showing an increase in customer website traffic
Portrair of Keystone Copywriting founder Shane Curry
Portrair of Keystone Copywriting founder Shane Curry

Shane Curry


Keystone Copywriting

Graph showing an increase in customer conversions
Graph showing an increase in customer conversions
Graph showing an increase in customer impressions
Graph showing an increase in customer impressions

Some result highlights

What we stand for...

Some meet expectations

We create new ones

We bring an immigrant mentality to everything we do, working hard to get results. We're not afraid to roll up our sleeves and put in the spade work to deliver results for our business partners. You have certain expectations - our results will create new ones.

Upward graph with a colourful image representing a customers getting mindblown
Upward graph with a colourful image representing a customers getting mindblown
Upward graph with a colourful image of a hand holding a clockface in its palm
Upward graph with a colourful image of a hand holding a clockface in its palm
Upward graph with a colourful image of a woman holding a sign with a question mark before her face
Upward graph with a colourful image of a woman holding a sign with a question mark before her face

Nobody gets time back

We value yours

Why settle for boring?

We add personality

For us, missing a deadline is a cardinal sin in this business. Because it wastes your time, and we take your time seriously. We always deliver projects before the agreed time - without fail. Have a tight turnaround? No problem. We'll dig in and get the job done.

Professional needs to be boring is a misconception we want to snuff out and send to the bad idea bone yard. There's personality behind every business, and we help companies find their voice. Your business is unique and has a story. Why not tell it with some gripping content?

We always get high quality content with KC. We wrote everything ourselves starting out, but knew we needed professional help for our content marketing push. They have been helping us and I’m very happy with the results.

We have seen a 234% increase in keywords ranking in the top three, organic traffic more than doubling, and a 2x increase in sign-ups.

They bring close attention to detail, creativity and awesome writing skills. I appreciate their contribution to our marketing strategy.

Portrait of Convert founder Joris De Ruiter
Portrait of Convert founder Joris De Ruiter

Joris de Ruiter



Graphic showing green quotation marks
Graphic showing green quotation marks

Our expert content is the match.

Your specialist business is the petrol.

Let’s set your content marketing campaign on fire.

Attract your ideal buyers with premium content